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www.prepresssite.com 页面信息,包括网站标题、网站关键词、网站描述以及页面编码

网站标题 印前网站
网站关键词 印前技术,印前知识,印前人才,印前设备,印前设计,印前制作,印前输出,印刷版房,印刷拼版,印刷晒版,印刷制版,印前求职,印前招聘,印前软件,印前工艺,印前培训,印前校对,印前耗材,跨媒体出版,Signastation
网站描述 印前网站是全球最专业全面的印前设计工艺技术及跨媒体出版论坛,主要以讨论交流印前及跨媒体出版设计和制作技术为主。具有专业性强,面向印前及跨媒体出版行业特定用户。是全球印前、网络出版、移动终端出版从业人员的首选网上社区。Prepress Site is the world's most professional and comprehensive pre-press technology and cross-media publishing forums, mainly to discuss the exchange of the front of the printing and cross-media publishing and production of technology-based design process. With a specialized, pre-press and all media for the publishing industry-specific user. Is the world's pre-press, web publishing, mobile devices of choice for publishing online community practitioners.
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